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$murf CFG for xfusion 97

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1$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:50 am


took me long to get the shit right but here's my cfg

you will have to adjusst you self pred and vecs( maybe)

the cfg has some nice extras like litte adjustet preshoot
and chams change while weapon switch

GL wiht it

xf_set espname off
xf_set esptracker on
xf_set icontracker on
xf_set wallhack on
xf_set blackout off
xf_set weapzoom off
xf_set scopedspeed 1.000
xf_set smoketransp 10
xf_set respawntimers off
xf_set autotapout on
xf_set nameclick off
xf_set autopreaimshoot off
xf_set autodynamichitbox on
xf_set autoanimcor off
xf_set bodymg42 on
xf_set nosnipercrouch off
xf_set aimmode normal
xf_set aimtype always
xf_set aimsort kdratio
xf_set autofire on
xf_set locktarget off
xf_set headbody headfirst
xf_set atkvalid off
xf_set antitk off
xf_set autodelay off
xf_set hitboxtype custom
xf_set headtracetype xtrace
xf_set bodytracetype static
xf_set trans_console on
xf_set valgrentraj on
xf_set valrifletraj on
xf_set grenadeZ -5.280
xf_set riflenadeZ 21.429
xf_set grenadeautofire off
xf_set rifleautofire off
xf_set grenadetracer on
xf_set rifletracer on
xf_set grensenslock on
xf_set grenadebot off
xf_set riflebot on
xf_set grenblockfire on
xf_set grenfiredelay 300
xf_set radiusdamage_enable on
xf_set radiusdamage 30.000
xf_set grenpredict smart
xf_set grenautotarg on
xf_set grenblockfire on
xf_set fov 180.000
xf_set multibounce on
xf_set humanMode simple
xf_set human1_speed 0.200
xf_set human2_humanValue 0.200
xf_set human2_aimX 10.000
xf_set human2_aimY 10.000
xf_set human2_divMin 0.000
xf_set human2_divMax 0.000
xf_set aimprotect all
xf_set lockMouse off
xf_set randomaim off
xf_set shakefreq 20000
xf_set randfactx 1000
xf_set randfacty 1000
xf_set randfactz 1000
xf_set headsize 8.227
xf_set bodysize 37.500
xf_set predbotprone 0.000
xf_set predprone 0.000
xf_set predbotcrouch 0.000
xf_set predcrouch 0.000
xf_set predbotstand 0.000
xf_set predstand 0.000
xf_set predbotcrawl -0.005
xf_set predcrawl -0.005
xf_set predbotrun -0.018
xf_set predrun -0.005
xf_set delayclose 0
xf_set delaymed 0
xf_set delayfar 0
xf_set bulletsize 0
xf_set predself -0.019
xf_set predself_type manual
xf_set vecstand 0.000 0.000 5.500
xf_set vecrun 0.025 0.000 6.100
xf_set veccrouch 0.000 0.000 5.500
xf_set veccrawl 0.000 0.000 5.750
xf_set vecprone 0.500 0.000 6.500
xf_set dynamicHitbox 0.000
xf_set killspam off
xf_set killsounds on
xf_set randomsounds off
xf_set hitsounds head
xf_set puresounds off
xf_set hqsounds off
xf_set mkillresettime 3000.000
xf_set radarrange 3000.000
xf_set xhairsize 32.123
xf_set xhairtype opencross2
xf_set removefoliage off
xf_set skinweapon off
xf_set custompickupesp off
xf_set customloading on
xf_set warningmsgs off
xf_set multikilltext off
xf_set flashingmultikilltext on
xf_set autotapoutmessage on
xf_set dmgindicator health
xf_set dmgarrowsize 96.000
xf_set removeparticles off
xf_set autovote off
xf_set autocomplaint off
xf_set teamshader1 solid_c
xf_set teamshader1wallhack off
xf_set teamshader2 off
xf_set teamshader2wallhack off
xf_set enemyshader1 solid_b
xf_set enemyshader1wallhack off
xf_set enemyshader2 off
xf_set enemyshader2wallhack off
xf_set weaponshader1 off
xf_set weaponshader1wallhack off
xf_set weaponshader2 off
xf_set weaponshader2wallhack off
xf_set ownweapon flame
xf_set ownweaponwallhack on
xf_set ownweaponoutline off
xf_set ownweaponoutwallhack off
xf_set itemshader1 off
xf_set itemshader1wallhack off
xf_set itemshader2 off
xf_set itemshader2wallhack off
xf_set itemrack wquadblue
xf_set itemrackwallhack off
xf_set itemrack2 off
xf_set itemrackwallhack2 on
xf_set rackchams off
xf_set rackwallhack off
xf_set rackchams2 onfire
xf_set rackwallhack2 off
xf_set worldweaponchams off
xf_set worldweaponchamswh off
xf_set worldweaponchamsout off
xf_set worldweaponschamsoutwh off
xf_set colorownweapon 0 96 123
xf_set colorownweaponout 244 244 244
xf_set colorteam 0 0 244
xf_set colorteamout 0 0 255
xf_set colorteamhid 0 0 244
xf_set colorenemy 255 0 0
xf_set colorenemyout 244 244 244
xf_set colorenemyhid 244 244 244
xf_set colorinvuln 255 255 255
xf_set enemyweapoutline 0 0 255
xf_set weaponoutline 244 244 244
xf_set colorteamweap 0 255 255
xf_set colorenemyweap 251 234 10
xf_set colorhealth 251 251 60
xf_set colorhealthoutline 244 244 244
xf_set colorammo 0 255 0
xf_set colorammooutline 244 244 244
xf_set colorworldweapons 0 0 255
xf_set colorworldweaponsoutline 0 0 255
xf_set boxteam 0.000 0.000 0.960
xf_set boxteamHide 0.075 0.095 1.000
xf_set boxteamshadow 0.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set boxteamshadowHide 0.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set boxenemy 0.970 0.000 0.000
xf_set boxenemyHide 0.930 0.000 0.000
xf_set boxenemyshadow 0.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set boxenemyshadowHide 0.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set hpitemesp off
xf_set ammoitemesp off
xf_set pickupitemesp off
xf_set itemespsize 14.000
xf_set itemespopacity 0.800
xf_set xfusiongui on
xf_set outlineBarColor 0.100 0.100 0.100
xf_set outlineBarOpacity 1.000
xf_set StamBarColor 0.000 1.000 0.000
xf_set StamBarBackColor 1.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set HpBarColor 1.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set HpBarBackColor 1.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set HpBarTextColor 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.800
xf_set HpBarOpacity 1.000
xf_set HpBarBackOpacity 1.000
xf_set StamBarOpacity 1.000
xf_set StamBarBackOpacity 1.000
xf_set xfusionbackground 0.160 0.200 0.170
xf_set xfusionoutline 0.300 0.300 0.300
xf_set xfusiontitle 0.160 0.200 0.170
xf_set xfusionopacity 1.000
xf_set xfusionopacityout 1.000
xf_set xfusiontitleopacity 1.000
xf_set xfusionIconcolor 1.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set xfusionIconopacity 1.000
xf_set shieldesp on
xf_set boxesp on
xf_set boxespborder 2
xf_set boxespopacity 0.950
xf_set boxespopacityhide 0.430
xf_set boxespShadowopacity 0.000
xf_set boxespShadowopacityhide 0.000
xf_set ircchatmsgs off
xf_set ircconsolemsgs off
xf_set ircmention off
xf_set coop off
xf_set portalanon on
xf_set rampagenum 5
xf_set rampagenotify on
xf_set headhitbox off
xf_set headaxes off
xf_set bodyhitbox off
xf_set debugpoints off
xf_set bulletrail off
xf_set railwallhack off
xf_set colorheadhb 0.000 1.000 0.000
xf_set colorbodyhb 1.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set colorbulletrail 1.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set colorxaxis 1.000 0.000 0.000
xf_set coloryaxis 0.000 1.000 0.000
xf_set colorzaxis 0.000 0.000 1.000
xf_set headhbtime 40
xf_set bodyhbtime 40
xf_set xhaircolor 0.969 0.914 0.016
xf_set missilecolor 1.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set gui_titlecolor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set gui_textcolor1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set gui_textcolor2 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set gui_healthhi 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
xf_set gui_healthmd 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
xf_set gui_healthlo 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
xf_set gui_stamina 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set gui_charge 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
xf_set gui_overheat 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
xf_set gui_reload 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
xf_set reaperhead off
xf_set hitlerhead off
xf_set hitlerbody off
xf_set xhairopacity 1.000
xf_set classespsize 10.000
xf_set classesp off
xf_set oldclassicons on
xf_set bulletrailtime 40
xf_set spoofOs off
xf_set ircserver ""
xf_set pk3name "xFusion.pk3"
xf_set etproGuid "0"
xf_set jaymac "52-ae-d6-6c"
xf_set cvarprefix "xf_set"
xf_set autocrouch on
xf_set vw_origviewvalues off
xf_set vw_interpolatedps on
xf_set vw_thirdperson off
xf_set vw_damagefeedback off
xf_set preaim off
xf_set preaimtime 0.000
xf_set preshoot on
xf_set preshoottime 91.000
xf_set autopredbots on
xf_set autopush enemy
xf_set autopush_dist 86.000
xf_set animcor -1.125
xf_set bannerfmt "^1x^7Fusion| ^7User^3: [n] ^7| ^7Health: ^1[h] ^7-> ^7Ammo: ^1[a] ^7| ^7Kills: ^1[k] ^7-> ^7Deaths: ^1[d] ^7| ^7K/d: ^1[r] ^7-> ^7Current spree: ^1[S]"
xf_set bannerscale 1.000
xf_set gui_banner off
xf_set hud_banner off
xf_set hud2_banner off
xf_set gui_chat off
xf_set gui_weapon off
xf_set gui_status off
xf_set gui_cp off
xf_set gui_cpanim off
xf_set gui_cpscale 1.000
xf_set gui_orig off
xf_set namesteal off
xf_set namesteal_grace 497
xf_set namesteal_mode team
xf_set namesteal_delay 2857
xf_set disguised on
xf_set panzersuicide off
xf_set panzerdistance 308.107
xf_set grenadedlight on
xf_set mortardlight on
xf_set mortartrace on
xf_set artymarkers on
xf_set panzersuicide off
xf_set panzerdistance 308.107`

set script3 "+moveleft;xf_Set preshoottime 100"
set script4 "-moveleft;xf_Set preshoottime 91"
bind "a" "+vstr script3 script4"

set script5 "+moveright;xf_Set preshoottime 100"
set script6 "-moveright;xf_Set preshoottime 91"
bind "d" "+vstr script5 script6"

set script3 "+moveleft;eth_Set preshoottime 99.750"
set script4 "-moveleft;eth_Set preshoottime 90.500"
bind "a" "+vstr script3 script4"

set script5 "+moveright;eth_Set preshoottime 99.750"
set script6 "-moveright;eth_Set preshoottime 90.500"
bind "d" "+vstr script5 script6"
set script3 "+moveleft;rb_Set preshoottime 99.600"
set script4 "-moveleft;rb_Set preshoottime 90.000"
bind "a" "+vstr script3 script4"

set script5 "+moveright;rb_Set preshoottime 99.600"
set script6 "-moveright;rb_Set preshoottime 90.000"
bind "d" "+vstr script5 script6"

bind 1 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 1; wait 125;xf_Set ownweapon flame;xf_Set ownweaponoutline off;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack off
bind 2 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 2;com_maxfps 75;seta rate 25000;snaps 30;cl_maxpackets "125"; wait 125;xf_Set ownweapon flame;xf_Set ownweaponoutline wsQuadBlue;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack on
bind 3 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 3;com_maxfps 125;seta rate 25000;snaps 30;cl_maxpackets "100"; wait 100;xf_Set ownweapon flame;xf_Set ownweaponoutline off;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack off
bind 4 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 4;com_maxfps 126;seta rate 25000;snaps 20;cl_maxpackets "100"; wait 75;xf_Set ownweapon solid_b;xf_Set ownweaponoutline onfire;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack off
bind 5 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 5; wait 125;xf_Set ownweapon flame;xf_Set ownweaponoutline off;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack off
bind 6 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 6; wait 95;xf_Set ownweapon flame;xf_Set ownweaponoutline off;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack off
bind 7 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 7; wait 125;xf_Set ownweapon glow;xf_Set ownweaponoutline onfire;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack off
bind 8 "cg_drawgun 1;weaponbank 8; wait 125;xf_Set ownweapon flame;xf_Set ownweaponoutline off;xf_Set ownweaponwallhack on;xf_Set ownweaponoutwallhack off

EDIT: better run and crawl vecs, auto push, body size, headsize

EDIT2: for all favorite win eth's my script, just chose Wink

Last edited by $murf on Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:43 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : improvement)

2$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:25 am



nice, but can i just edit cfg to eth ? i know its eth32 source but i want to try preshoot on eth (p.s i dont have xfusion) So is it possible ?

3$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:07 am



i would say its poss on some of it.just try it what you got to lose apart from 5 min of your life

4$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:33 pm



Thanks $murf for your release Very Happy

The preaim/shoot is slighty different on xfusion, but just like jok3r said you have nothing to loose : > Should work fine with others eth32 too.


5$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:39 pm


np boo Smile

when I got some update on the cfg i'll post here again Smile

6$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:55 pm



Oh ok thanks jok3r Smile Merry Christmas!

7$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:18 pm


for antaz

set script3 "+moveleft;eth_Set preshoottime 100"
set script4 "-moveleft;eth_Set preshoottime 91"
bind "a" "+vstr script3 script4"

set script5 "+moveright;eth_Set preshoottime 100"
set script6 "-moveright;eth_Set preshoottime 91"
bind "d" "+vstr script5 script6"

8$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:31 pm



Tanks smurf Smile

9$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:28 am


little update look @ edit in first post

10$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:41 am



Thanks smurf for script Smile


11$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:13 pm


np man

12$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:49 am




13$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:57 am



14$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:59 pm


i hope it will not will be abump Smile if so u can delete the post boo

nice release tnx smurfii Smile

15$murf CFG for xfusion 97 Empty Re: $murf CFG for xfusion 97 Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:05 am


thnx yo Wink

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